Commit e12eef45 authored by zhouxu's avatar zhouxu


parent 9cf52d9f
### 通过 SmartLifecycle 自定义两个生命周期 (getPhase数值小的先加载)
1. 读取ons配置文件,根据配置启动消息队列生产者
2. 根据业务启动消费者
3. 发送同步活异步消息
* 使用方式
1. pom中增加依赖
#### 增加生产者
@Service public class TestProductImpl implements TestProduct {
@Autowired(required = false)
private AliProducer aliProducer; @Override
public void sendMsg() {
User user = new User("你是谁", "100");
aliProducer.putEvent("MiyaHhsaasStatisticDev", user, "*");
#### 增加消费者
* @author zhouxu
* @createTime 2020/01/19
* 继承 AliConsumer getTopic:指定订阅的topic getTags:指定订阅的tag */ @Component @Slf4j public class TestConsumerLister extends AliConsumer {
public String getTopic() {
return "MiyaHhsaasStatisticDev";
public List<String> getTags() {
return ImmutableList.of("*");
public void consumerMessage(String tag, String message) {"收到了新的消息tag为:{} ,message为:", tag, message);
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